Why Should Stitch Markers Be Snag Free?
When I was learning how to knit with stitch markers, I found myself constantly frustrated because my precious yarn was snagging on sharp bits. They were cute as the dickens, but wrecking the beautiful yarns I had fallen in love with.
The stitch markers above were made with jump rings that never quite close, therefore creating an open edge that catches on yarn.
My business was born when I began to make my own snag free stitch markers. It takes more time, care and materials to ensure these pretty markers are snag free, but in my opinion it's absolutely necessary to protect the yarns.
Another issue occurs when stitch markers have a crimp at the end that hasn't been covered with a crimp cover. Crimps prevent the beads from falling off the wire. Crimp edges are sharp and will shred your yarn. This is an example of one of a stitch marker (on the left) before I've applied the round crimp cover. The Multi-Colour Flower Bead Stitch Marker on the right has the silver plated crimp cover attached over the crimp bead. Many sellers unfortunately skip this step.
Knit with snag free stitch markers and enjoy your beautiful work without worry.
Life's too short and yarn is too expensive!