Knitting Chair News – Pretty Warm Designs
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      Knitting Chair News


      A collection of favourites! 5 crochet patterns and 5 knitting patterns for Valentine's Day, all of them available for free from the authors.

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      Using Stitch Markers for Knitting Hats

      Using Stitch Markers for Knitting Hats
      How do knitting stitch markers work when you can't attach or detach them from your yarn? This is a brief description of how I use them while knitting a hat in order to reduce counting errors.

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      Janina Kallio's Single Skein Shawl Knitting Patterns

      Janina Kallio's Antarktis knitted shawl pattern from Ravelry in blue yarn

      Janina Kallio of Woolenberry is a prolific and very popular pattern designer on Ravelry. Her easy one skein shawl patterns have been knitted by thousands of people, who have given her top reviews for these lovely designs.

      Janina cleverly makes use of lace stitches which create shawls that drape and stretch, making them much easier to style as well as feeling like they're light and airy. Exactly what you'd want to wear on cool summer evenings or in air conditioned spaces.

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      10 Best Summer Tee Knitting Patterns

      Saona knitted sweater pattern by designer Natalie Pelykh on young girl leaning against a tree at the beach
      Summer is here, and what better way to spend some quality knitting time than with a summer tee pattern! I've searched throughout Ravelry and found 10 of the most highly rated (4.7 or higher), popular tees to help you decide on the perfect pattern.

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      How to Perfectly Block Knitted or Crocheted Hats

      Crown of green knitted lace hat

      You wash your precious knitted or crocheted hat, lay it flat to dry, and end up with unsightly folds that show even when it's on your head. What to do?

      I'm going to demonstrate how I block lace or cabled hats. You will need one round balloon, a flexible measuring tape, and the head circumference size for whom the hat is intended.

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